Under this thematic area SWDA has incorporated food security and livelihood improvement for women. Women’s involvement in environment protection and climate adaptation is vital and help them to generate income and improve their livelihood. Currently SWDA is implementing two projects that address environment and climate change in Oromia, Iluababora Zone Bedele and Metu Woredas. The financial support is obtained from David & Lucile Packard Foundation, Bread for the World Germany and Diakonie ACT Austria (DAA),
Why fuel saving stove?
One of the driving force of climate change is acclerated deforestation caused by house hold fuel food consumption. Hence our intervention to promote fuel saving stoves has the following benefits. * reduces excess labor on women and girls. * reduces health problem on lung cancer, respiratory system, eye problem and early blindness due to open and excess smoke, * reduces deformation by optimizing fire wood consumption.