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Our Impacts Over The Years

SWDA has contributed on women socio-economic empowerment, Adolescent girls education support program, Under athletics scholarship program, Under food security, environment and alternative livelihood creation, Under striding to end Gender Based Violence, and much more.

Empowering Internally Displaced(ID)Women in Nekemte to Access their Rights and Build Agency

ETB 3,736,784 Donated by Noel Buxton Trust & Womankind

From Jan 2024-Dec 2025 


Women Impacted

East Wollega

 Nekemte Town 


Create Awareness on RH & FP and increase access to services for Adolescent & youth

ETB 6,471,444 Donated by CCRDA

From Jan 01, 2021 – May 01, 2023


Women Impacted


Men Impacted

Arsi Zone

Chole Woreda

Athletics Girls’ Scholarship and Mothers Support

USD 40,000 annually funded by Girls Gotta Run (GGRF)

Since 2015 ongoing project

120 athletic girls and 40 mothers in self-help groups (SHG)

Empower athletic talented girls in athletics and education for girls life proven.

Bokoji/Arsi Zone

Keeping Girls in School(Girls as a change makers in their society’

ETB 25,329,873 Donated by Partnership for Change

From 2023 - 2027


Women Impacted


Advancing Women’s Engagement: Strengthening Opportunities to Mobilize for Equality (AWESOME)

EURO 1,399,930, Donated by Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) / Netherlands Government with Partnership consortium Woman Kind World Wide

January 2021 to December 31/2026

4000 industry employee women/girls

15,000 males’ engagement in ending/reducing GBV

600 concerned government staff, legal enforcement bodies, WRO staff women advocators, paralegals PWDs….

Outcome Self-Level:- Activists, young women and women with disabilities come together through cross movement building and collective action through increased solidarity and closer cooperation.

Society Level:- Greater willingness and support among society to challenge gender norms and attitudes which discriminate against women, including women with disabilities

Formal Institution Level:- Improved policy and legal for the realization of all women’s rights, including those with disabilities, related to SGBV and the right to meaningful participation in decisions that affect them

Impact:-SDG 5 Achieve gender equality and empower all women

Sabata, Galan, Dukam, Bishoftu and Modjo (around Industrial Zones)

Engage Women in forest conservation enhance the
livelihood of poor Women

$ 150,00 Donated by PACKARD

1 May 2023- March 31,2024

870 Female

200 Male

Mattu & Bedela


Integrated mitigation and adaptation program to enhance the resilience of communities and ecosystem in Oromia regional state.

EUR=950000 Donated by  Austrian Ministry for Climate Action 

Jun 2024–Dec2027

Target Group 210,000 People

Oromia Region